Emily Moody

About Me

Emily Moody is a senior at Father McGivney Catholic High School. She has played on the Father McGivney golf team for the past three years and, previously, competitively swam for eight years. At school, she holds many leadership positions including House Leader, Book Club President, and National Honor Society Committee Head. She is involved in many extracurricular activities such as the Anderson Hospital Explorer Program, the Saturday Scholars Program, Prom Committee, Pit-Orchestra, Spanish Club, and Recycling Club. Emily plays violin in the Town and Country Symphony in St. Louis and the SIUE Suzuki Tour Group who toured last summer in Austria, Czech Republic, and Poland. For the past two years, Emily has worked as a lifeguard at the Collinsville Maryville Troy YMCA. When away from school and work, Emily enjoys cooking, reading, and spending time with her family and friends. After high school, Emily plans to attend the University of Alabama to major in Business, possibly on the Pre-law or Pre-dental track, while minoring in Spanish. Emily joined the CEO program to grow in her leadership skills and immerse herself within the community. She is so grateful to be a part of the program and is so excited for what this year has in store!







DISC Characteristics

  • Decisive – preference for problem solving and getting results
  • Interactive – preference for interacting with others and emotion
  • Stability – preference for pacing, persistence and steadiness
  • Cautious – preference for procedures, standards and protocols