Luke Deakos

About Me

Luke Deakos is a senior at Father McGivney Catholic High School, where he participates in several clubs, such as Griffins for Life, Exodus 90, National Honor Society, Student Ambassadors, and the Math Team. He also plays soccer for the Griffins and is a captain on the baseball team. In his free time, Luke enjoys writing music, and recently published his first album,A Young Man,on Spotify.

About My Business

Jam Session 101, owned and operated by Luke Deakos, is a fun alternative to traditional (and boring) piano lessons. The typical method of studying music sucks out all the fun, but at Jam Session 101, kids are introduced to music in a whole new way. They learn the fundamentals of music through songs they hear on the radio. Students are also given the chance to play together as if in a band, and they even learn how to record music at home. Next year, Luke will play baseball at Ave Maria University while studying biochemistry on a pre-med track. 






DISC Characteristics

  • Decisive – your preference for problem solving and getting results
  • Interactive – your preference for interacting with others and showing emotion
  • Stability – your preference for pacing, persistence and steadiness
  • Cautious – your preference for procedures, standards and protocols